Asiapacific Institute of Management | Jasola, New Delhi

Asiapacific Institute of management Asiapacific Institute of management Asiapacific Institute of management Asiapacific Institute of management Asiapacific Institute of management Asiapacific Institute of management

Type: Educational

Size: 35,000sf
Completion: 2014

Asia-Pacific Institute of Management extension building comprises of a new Central Library, Seminar rooms, Computer labs and faculty rooms. This 7-storey building is connected with the existing institute at all the floors thus integrating all the facilities. The library is designed on 3 floors with a separate entry. The concept is to create a “learning & resource center”., where the students not only utilize the library for books and reference, but also as a space to do assignments and group projects. It facilitates students to interact with each  other as well as give them options for solitary study and research. The seminar rooms are located on 2 floors with a capacity of approx. 55 students each. The rooms are stepped and the layout facilitates a “discussion oriented” teaching. The computer labs on the upper 3 floors has a capacity of approx. 100 students each. The rooms have facilities to be used as a training classroom as well as an examination center.